Lithium Systems Geology

Lithium system understanding is deep understanding
Lithium systems modelling integrates models of lithium transport with 3D geomodels of a project area to generate a genetically-based system model for the form and evolution of the lithium project. Transition Elements' approach encompasses describing and assessing contributions to every stage of a lithium system, from original igneous origins through weathering, transport and deposition, to leaching, and brine movement. Lithium systems modelling provides a conceptual framework for developing exploration plans to prove and delineate accumulations, and study programmes to elucidate lithium deposit history and development. By using a systems-thinking approach, it is easier to see what is known and understood, and focus scientific effort on what remains important, yet obscure.
Building and Testing
Our library of real-world models is expanding, with a new public-data model of a near-production Argentinian salar system, shown above. We are working with this and models of our own prospect (conceptual models shown below) to evaluate the performance of our proof-of-concept software. These models already allow us to begin investigating P10-P50-P90 scenarios for potential volumes, allowing a more resilient assessment of project potential.

Rock Solid
A model of the stratigraphy is essential to describing the distribution of liquid resource. This would comprise a realistic 3D model of the heterogeneity in permeability and porosity. This facilitates more realistic mapping of the flow pathways taken by mobile lithium brines, and the identification of accumulations in lithium traps. Connectivity through the basin can be mapped, and the relative timeframes of flow through different lithologies can be integrated to produce more confident assessments of where the brines came from, and where they went. Source to sink, modelling your project as an integrated system of interacting elements generates not just quantification, but understanding. With a quantified lithium systems model, you can plan your project. With a deeper understanding, you know how good your plan is.
Prospect Selection using a Lithium Systems Model
A potential prospect must satisfy some impartial criteria before exploration work should be undertaken. An early-stage project should have evidence of all the crucial elements of a working lithium system, as illustrated by the diagram below. This evaluation tool can better distinguish viable targets for exploration.

Geology = Time + Magic
Transition Elements' LiSys software tools are an ongoing technology
development project. By applying our understanding of migratory
liquid resources and their behaviour in porous reservoirs, we can
build detailed geological models of your lithium brine project, and
examine the mobilisation patterns of lithium-bearing fluids moving
through complex sedimentary architectures. These models can provide
input to reserves assessments and production planning,
increasing certainty, quantifying value, and lowering risk.
Talk to Dr Tim Buddin (US) or Dr Liz Thompson (Eur)