Structural Geology
Many ore deposits are fundamentally influenced by the structural environment around them, whether the deformation is pre-, syn- or post-mineralisation. Understanding the relationships between structure and mineralisation is key to identifying the major controls on deposit development. It allows the development of genetic models which can predict the full extent of known deposits, or where separate deposits within the same mineralisation system can be found, improving targeting and planning for exploration programmes. In addition, knowing which mineralisation phases are controlled by which events can significantly influence envelope and deposit models.
Fracture modelling
Mineral, geothermal and CCS projects may all be significantly impacted by the distribution of medium and small scale structures in the host rocks. These faults and fractures are controlled by the interaction of stress regimes and pre-existing structures and rock properties. Often these structures occur at a scale between geophysical surveys and borehole cores and can be very difficult to assess. A discrete fracture network model can be essential in understanding the pathways of mineralising fluids, geothermal fluids and injected fluids through the rock. Building these models is a detailed and skilled business, as each model will be unique. We have decades of experience in preparing datasets, mitigating sampling losses and analysing subsurface data and building these models. We can advise on the most useful type of model, build the model and assist your team in building and maintaining their own models.

Structural Geology Services
- Regional to local structural interpretations of geophysical, outcrop and borehole datasets
- Development of a structural evolution and ore deposit model
- Development of a mineralising fluid flow and distribution model
- Predictive exploration targeting
- 3D geological modelling in standard or specialist software
- Structural seismic interpretation, analysis and deformation history definition
- 3D discrete fracture network modelling

Norwegian Landholder Information
In order to fully inform all the stakeholders within a licence area of ongoing activities, a Norwegian explorer needs an up-to-date listing of all the people and businesses who own land or live within their exploration area. This is a time-consuming and error-prone process because, although the data is publicly available, compiling the list requires manual collection of land plot numbers and then manual referencing of those numbers to the cadastral information.
Transition Elements can conduct those searches for a fraction of the cost of a manual compilation.
We have authorised access to the cadastral database and can retrieve information on the owners, their
contact address and the type of land occupancy, owner, shared owner or resident.
The data can be provided as shapefiles, containing land plot polygons with the information attached as attributes.
They will load into GIS packages in the normal manner.
The database from which the information is drawn is maintained by Kartverket, a Norwegian government agency.
Transition Elements AS is registered to access this database.
Collaborative services
Transition Elements has an collaborative relationship with Xplore Global,
allowing you to access integrated, cross-discipline analysis and model
definition for your project.
Together we can build your geochemical and structural data into a consistent,
coherent model to
predict optimum locations and focus your exploration strategy.
Mineralised fluids are actively mobilised by structural activity, allowing
enrichment and
deposit of metals in host lithologies, alteration haloes and vein systems.
analysis provides a better handle on ore distribution, ore/waste boundaries and
features. Geochemical analysis builds understanding of the distribution,
tracers and dispersal pattern of enrichment. Both are key to building a robust
and confident
understanding of your deposit.
We strive to improve your exploration workflows and targeting and to help you understand the practical implications of ore body formation. Together with Xplor Global, we combine experienced, expert geochemical and structural analysis to create a robust, predictive understanding of your project
Kuniko Norge
As a new entrant to Norway during the recent pandemic, Kuniko required experienced
geologists on the ground to kick-start their exploration plans and implement best
practice procedures and workflows. Together, in 2021, we evaluated their portfolio,
ranked the prospects and designed acquisition programmes for the most prospective
areas. We analysed and evaluated historic and newly acquired data, initiated further
specialist analysis and data acquisition, producing 3D models for assessment and target
planning. We liaised with local community stakeholders and generated the 2022 work program
to drill delineated targets at the Skuterud cobalt project and to evaluate the remaining opportunities.
From May 2022, we liaised with Kuniko's permanent team for a smooth handover,
as they established their office and field bases, and have since passed control
of the full portfolio into their hands, with a year of comprehensive data
acquisition, analysis and planning e to take their projects
“With the strong support of Transition Elements, Kuniko was able to quickly
establish its work programs and exploration activities across several of its
projects, providing a solid foundation for the development of the Company.
Those initial efforts provided a geological data set which enabled strong
targets and led to a maiden drill campaign. The rapid development of our
projects based on solid geological work practices and guidance has enhanced
the Company’s reputation with regard to both accomplishment and
transparency. On behalf of the Company, our shareholders and stakeholders,
we are grateful for the professional support we have received.”
Antony Beckmand, CEO, Kuniko Norge
Adriatic Metals
Adriatic Metals are engaged in projects in the Vares area of Bosnia and Herzogvina. They have brought the Rupice
mine into production and are very actively exploring a mineralised system that shows enormous potential.
Transition Elements provides structural modelling and analysis to a mixed remote and local team of staff
geologists and expert consultants. The deposit system is complex and work proceeds simultaneously on both
deposit scale aspects and on larger scale structural and developmental models.
Liz Thompson PhD